Creating Magical Weddings
Just like the Fairytales …
At Happily Ever After,
We believe that weddings and events are unforgettable when they are an all immersive magical experience. That is precisely what we focus on creating; magical experiences with custom designs and special decorations and so much more. This makes for a completely beautiful experience to everyone who is there to participate in the event.
If you're looking for someone to help you envision an entire event, or someone to help you design something as singular as the perfect invitation; then Happily Ever After can ensure that you end up with something unique, personalized, and completely beautiful.
Add in our expert designers, coordinators, and curated team of artisans; Happily Ever After can create almost anything you can imagine. We also believe that wedding planning should be fun! To do this, we use our especially designed method of planning that allows brides to eliminate the feeling of being overwhelmed, and enjoy their engagement. This starts by choosing 1 of our 6 designer packages that best suits their personal style.
We have over ten years of experience, spanning two different states. We have worked in Wichita for over eight years and have developed great and wonderful relationships with local vendors and venues. We do our utmost to maintain these relationships for the benefit of our clients. Our ultimate goal is to help the bride walk into her fantasy come true, her Happily Ever After.